Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fathers Day: Fun facts to know and share!

The month of June can mean many different things to many different people. But for fathers, this is a special month. A month in which one whole day is set aside to honor and recognize everything it is that a father does. Believe it or not--there was a day in time when fathers weren't recognized with their very own day in the month of June.

Prior to 1910, only mothers were fortunate enough to have their own day of recognition. It wasn't until June 19th, 1910 at a Spokane, Washington YMCA that a fathers day celebration had commenced. Sonora Dodd is the woman who is credited with the founding of what we now know as father's day.

The idea of a "fathers day" as it stands today has proven to be a truly great one, but it wasn't until 1940-- almost 30 years after its inaugural celebration that fathers day really gained popularity. The idea alone was not enough to convince congress that fathers day in fact, should be a national holiday. Sonora Dodd used the help of Tobacco companies, as well as numerous men's clothing companies to help push the idea, and eventually making it into the holiday that it is today.

What better way to celebrate father's day than a trip to the Mariner Resort. We offer great mid-week specials, and there is always plenty of fun things to do with dad in Ogunquit. We hope to see you around!

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